400 Patients May Have Been Exposed To HIV At Salem Hospital

HIV Awareness – Source: Aria Sandi Hasim / Getty

Reportedly over 400 patients may have been exposed to HIV and hepatitis thanks to Salem Hospital in Massachusetts.

Being admitted to the hospital or simply being there can take a mental toll not only on you but your loved ones. Coming home from the hospital is simply a luxury you never appreciate until it happens to you. In Massachusetts, that luxury has turned into a nightmare for almost 500 patients. According to ABC News, an onsite investigation by the Massachusetts Public Health Department revealed potential exposures to blood-borne pathogens at Salem Hospital.

Reportedly the hospital immediately began testing previous patients for HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.

According to NBC News, the hospital learned about the exposures earlier this year and allegedly this fiasco happened over a two-year window. Additionally, the procedures and processes have reportedly been fixed since the discovery happened. Reportedly the hospital has contacted patients who had an endoscopy to let them know they may have been exposed.

“The safety of our patients is our highest priority, and we have undertaken multiple corrective actions in response to this event. We sincerely apologize to those who have been impacted and we remain committed to delivering high-quality, compassionate health care to our community,” the statement continued.

“Salem Hospital has notified all potentially impacted patients, set up a clinician-staffed hotline to answer questions, and we are providing them with free screening and any necessary support,” the statement added. “There is no evidence to date of any infections resulting from this incident.”

Every patient who was potentially exposed will receive free follow-up care along with testing. So far none of the test have came back positive and reportedly an exposure is extremely unlikely. Hopefully, they add mental health resources because this definitely isn’t anything you’d like added to the plate we call life.

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