Beat Work-Induced ‘Jet Lag’ With These Tips

    Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

    “I love jet lag!” said no one ever. Well, that’s not entirely true. Recently, a Washington Post contributor made a case for embracing jet lag, rather than fighting it. She explained the benefits of catching sunrises and exploring sleepy streets when most residents are still snoozing.

    I used to lean into jet lag as well. When I’d visit my family in Turkey or Jotform‘s office in Ankara, the flight back home to San Francisco would set me 10 hours behind. Instead of trying to overcome the effects of jet lag, I’d wake up in the middle of the night and get to work. I figured I’d put in a day’s work and get to bed early. But I’d find myself dozing off by lunchtime, wired at night and very grumpy. What’s more, my mind felt so fuzzy that I couldn’t make headway on meaningful projects.

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