Mick Jagger alludes to rumored affair with Justin Trudeau’s mom Margaret

Mick Jagger is stirring up trouble.

The singer, 80, recently alluded to the decades-old rumor that he had sex with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s mom, Margaret Trudeau, in the 1970s.

During the Rolling Stones concert in Vancouver, Canada, on July 5, Jagger said from the stage, “We love your Mr. Trudeau,” which elicited boos from the audience.

“I mean, his family has always been such big fans of our band,” Jagger added, which many took as a joke about the past rumors.

Mick Jagger at the Rolling Stones concert in Canada on July 5, 2024. brianlilley/X

Justin’s parents, who married when his mother was 22 and his father 52, separated in 1977 amid rumors that his mom had skipped the couple’s sixth anniversary to party with the Rolling Stones after their concert in Toronto.

Margaret Trudeau in Canada on September 19, 2022. REUTERS

Margaret, 75, talked about hanging with the famous band in a 2016 interview with Harper’s Bazaar.

“We played dice until about five in the morning, in my hotel suite,” she recalled. “Smoked some dope, talked. It was a good night, and it was my new world. But no one knew I was separated from my husband yet, and it brought a huge scandal.” 

Mick Jagger performing in California on July 10, 2024. Getty Images
Mick Jagger performs with the Rolling Stones. Getty Images

The Canadian activist denied she slept with Jagger at the time.

“I spent the night with the Rolling Stones, no question, but it was certainly not Mick Jagger. And that’s all we’ll say about that,” she told the publication.

According to the Daily Beast, Margaret later joked at a mental health conference, “I should have slept with every single one of them.”

Margaret finalized her divorce from Justin’s father, Pierre Trudeau, in 1984. He died in 2000 at age 80.

Margaret and Justin Trudeau at Pierre Trudeau’s funeral in 2000. AFP via Getty Images
Baby Justin Trudeau with his parents. Toronto Star via Getty Images

Jagger similarly denied the rumors that he had sex with Margaret.

He reportedly told the Evening Standard that Margaret was a “very sick girl in search of something. She found it – but not with me. I wouldn’t go near her with a barge pole.”

Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones. Getty Images
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Getty Images

Donald Trump resurfaced the rumors when he was president in a conversation with former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham.

According to Grisham’s 2021 memoir, Trump, 78, looked at Grisham, 47, on Air Force One and asked her, “Are you OK if I say this?”

Stephanie Grisham and Donald Trump in 2019. Getty Images

“That was always a troubling question. Who knew what was going to come out of his mouth?” Grisham wrote in her book.

Trump then allegedly told Grisham: “Trudeau’s mom. She f – – ked all of the Rolling Stones.”

Donald Trump in 2018. AFP via Getty Images

Margaret was married to Canada’s 15th prime minister from 1971 until their separation in 1977.

In the 2016 Harper’s Bazaar interview, she revealed that she struggled with manic depression in the 1970s. She was later diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

“When I was manic, it was grand mania,” Canada’s former first lady said. “Where someone else might have run off with the guy from the 7-Eleven, I ran off with the Rolling Stones. I would spend all my money buying Birkin bags; somebody else would have spent all the grocery money. It’s paralyzing either way. You don’t have the ability to have a second, sober thought.”

Margaret Trudeau at Toronto Women’s Fashion Week in March 2018. FilmMagic

Margaret got remarried to real-estate developer Fried Kemper in 1984. They got divorced in 1999.

She welcomed five children including Justin, 52. He’s served as Canada’s 23rd prime minister since 2015. 

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