Andrew Lester Pleads Not Guilty To Ralph Yarl Shooting

Source: Kansas City Police / Family

Put this decrepit bag of mayo in the bing IMMEDIATELY.

Ralph Yarl was going to pick up his younger siblings when he accidentally rang 84-year-old Andrew Lester’s doorbell. As a result, Lester thought it appropriate to arm himself and send rounds through his front door, two of which struck the teenager in the head and the arm. In the aftermath of a the shooting, Lester’s own grandson Klint Ludwig gave an interview to CNN where he alleged that his grandfather “holds racist beliefs” and wasn’t surprised by Lester’s violent behavior.

According to ABC News, on Wednesday, Sept. 20, Lester pleaded not guilty to two felony charges of assault in the first degree and one count of armed criminal action. Despite his lawyers’ efforts to get this case dismissed, 12 witnesses testimonies convinced a judge to proceed as there is reasonable evidence that Lester committed a felony. His trial is set to begin on Oct. 7, 2024.

Kansas City is going to have BIG problems in the streets if this guy gets off. There was zero, z-e-r-o, reason to draw a firearm much less recklessly shoot through the door. Lester was not being threatened or accosted. Hell, he couldn’t even really see who or what he was shooting at.

Put him in prison and let his old a** spend his final days on earth in a cell.

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