Get more real estate buyer leads in 2024

    In the ever-competitive real estate market, creating a consistent flow of real estate buyer leads is strategy for success. Snatching up first-time homebuyers is akin to striking gold — since developing a relationship with them can mean a loyal client for life. But beyond first-timers, we’ll show you how to attract real estate buyers of all kinds through a multi-tiered marketing approach that boosts both your visibility and credibility with potential buyers.

    Extending a broad (but strategic) net is part of knowing how to generate buyer leads in real estate. In this article, we will go over a few key marketing activities that must be operating simultaneously, with some helpful tips on how to prioritize them. Of course, you can’t do everything — but consistency is important. Pick one or two approaches that you think suit your personality, skill set and goals.

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    Buying real estate leads: A fast-track to client acquisition

    Skills needed: Analytical thinking, strategic planning, data interpretation

    Time horizon: Short to medium

    Investments required: Financial investment for purchasing real estate lead

    Benefits: Rapid expansion of client base, immediate results, quick business growt

    Drawbacks: Higher risk of unqualified leads, upfront financial cos

    Pair it with: High-quality CRM for efficient lead management

    This strategy is best for real estate professionals who are results-driven, pragmatic and comfortable with a numbers-based approach. The primary drawback of buying real estate leads is that casting a wide net often leads to less-than-personalized leads. You’ll likely need to vet your leads after they enter your CRM system, with just a small percentage (between 2% and 5%) converting to buyers.

    However, some lead generation tools do some of the pre-vetting for you, and using an effective CRM that helps you organize, nurture and manage your communication with new real estate leads can help you set realistic targets and be successful with this approach.

    SEE ALSO: 8 best places to buy real estate leads in 2023

    Weekly newsletters: Making a personal connection

    Skills needed: Creative writing, empathy, consistency

    Time horizon: Short, medium, long

    Investments required: Minimal (SaaS subscriptions) + time for content creation

    Benefits: Personal touch, builds trust and loyalty, keeps clients engaged even when they aren’t actively in the market

    Drawbacks: Time-consuming, requires regular content updates

    Pair it with: Social media engagement for broader reach

    Weekly newsletters are a great real estate marketing strategy for agents who thrive on personal connections. By sharing market insights, personal stories and useful tips, you can create a bond with your audience. Regular communication keeps you top-of-mind when clients are ready to make a move.

    Direct mail: A tried and true method

    Skills needed: Market knowledge

    Time horizon: Short to medium

    Investments required: Content creation, mailing lists, printing and stamps

    Benefits: Direct, personal touch, high response rate

    Drawbacks: Can be costly, requires accurate mailing lists

    Pair it with: Online advertising for a multi-channel approach

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    Befriending mortgage brokers: A win-win relationship

    Skills needed: Networking, interpersonal communication

    Time horizon: Medium to long

    Investments required: Time invested in building relationships

    Benefits: Access to pre-qualified leads, mutual referrals

    Drawbacks: Relationship-dependent, requires ongoing effort

    Pair it with: Joint marketing to shared client bases (promotions, co-hosted events, etc.)

    Forming partnerships with mortgage brokers can be mutually beneficial. These alliances often lead to a steady stream of referrals, as brokers can recommend you to their pre-qualified clients and vice versa.

    Predictive analytics: AI-driven methods to find real estate buyers

    Skills needed: Tech-savviness, analytical thinking

    Time horizon: Medium to long

    Investments required: Investment in AI tools and technology

    Benefits: Data-driven insights, high accuracy in targeting

    Drawbacks: Requires understanding of AI and data interpretation

    Pair it with: CRM tools for efficient follow-up and nurturing of leads

    Predictive analytics uses AI to analyze market trends and consumer behavior, helping you anticipate which prospects are likely to buy or sell. This sophisticated approach offers precise targeting, improving the quality of your leads.

    SEE ALSO: Revamp your real estate game with AI tools

    New homeowner workshops: Find first-time real estate buyer clients

    Skills needed: Public speaking, event planning

    Time horizon: Short to medium

    Investments required: Organizational costs for events (signage, ads, refreshments, printed materials)

    Benefits: Direct engagement with hot leads (clients who are often pre-qualified and ready to buy), builds authority

    Drawbacks: Time-consuming, ample upfront planning

    Pair it with: Online webinars to reach a wider audience

    Hosting workshops for new homeowners is a great way to find real estate buyer leads and establish your brokerage or personal brand as an authoritative and knowledgeable resource. These events are platforms to connect with potential buyers, showcase your expertise and raise visibility throughout your local community (and online, if you stream them via webinar!). 

    Handwritten cards: A seasonal way to get real estate clients

    Skills needed: Creativity, personal touch

    Time horizon: Short to long

    Investments required: Cost of materials and postage

    Benefits: Personalized approach, strengthens relationships

    Drawbacks: Time-consuming, less scalable

    Pair it with: Social media engagement for a broader reach

    High-quality real estate websites: Attract a crowd and leave a good impression

    Skills needed: Basic tech knowledge, understanding of online marketing

    Time horizon: Medium to long

    Investments required: Website development and maintenance costs

    Benefits: Wide reach, 24/7 accessibility (using a contact form), showcases your listings and expertise; a functional, interactive business card

    Drawbacks: Requires regular updates, SEO optimization can be tough to generate without a lot of traffic already

    Pair it with: Social media marketing, IRL events and press mentions to drive traffic to your website

    A well-designed real estate website is your digital storefront, customer service portal and community resource hub all in one. It should be visually appealing, user-friendly and full of helpful content, including listings, blogs and market insights.

    SEE ALSO: 7 best website builders for real estate agents, brokers and brokerages

    Skills needed: Community engagement, networking, event planning

    Time horizon: Short to long (depending on the event’s impact and follow-up activities)

    Investments required: Financial caontribution for sponsorship, resources for planning and execution, possible film crew or social media assistant to create drip content afterwards

    Benefits: Enhanced local reputation, increased visibility within the community, potential for direct client engagement, long-term relationship building

    Drawbacks: Financial cost, time-intensive planning and execution, no immediate ROI guarantee

    Pair it with: Social media marketing and local press coverage to maximize visibility and impact

    Sponsoring local events is an effective way for real estate professionals to integrate themselves into the community and build trust. This approach demonstrates a commitment to the local area beyond just business interests. While it requires a financial investment and significant planning effort, the long-term benefits of community goodwill and increased brand recognition can be substantial.

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    Find hidden listings: Scour websites and discover overlooked gems

    Skills needed: Market research, diligence, networking

    Time horizon: Short to medium

    Investments required: Time dedicated to somewhat tedious research

    Benefits: Access to exclusive deals, competitive advantage

    Drawbacks: Time-consuming, may require chasing down sellers or waiting for the right “unicorn” buyer

    Pair it with: A unique newsletter that shares weekly undiscovered properties

    Exploring lesser-known listing websites allows real estate agents to discover unique properties and offer exclusive opportunities to their clients. This method requires diligence and a deep understanding of the marketing, but it gives you a competitive edge. While slightly time-consuming, the rewards of uncovering these hidden gems can differentiate you from the rest. Coupling this strategy with strong local networking maximizes the potential for finding such listings — plus helps you know the right buyer for every surprise listing you find.

    Cold prospecting: Not glamorous, but a surprisingly effective numbers game

    Skills needed: Resilience, communication, analytical skills

    Time horizon: Short to medium 

    Investments required: Time, potential costs for data acquisition

    Benefits: Quick lead generation, expands client base

    Drawbacks: High rejection rate, can be stressful and time-intensive

    Pair it with: CRM tools for effective lead management

    Cold prospecting, though often challenging, can be an effective method for real estate professionals when backed by solid data and strategic planning. Like the name suggests, cold prospecting or cold calling involves directly reaching out to potential real estate buyer clients to share with them your services. You may have to be on the phone for several hours per day, but eventually you can build a shortlist of new buyers and build your real estate client base. Despite a high rejection-rate, cold calling can work well when you lead with authenticity and use a good CRM tool to track your progress.

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    Conclusion: The art of nurturing buyer relationships

    Beyond these strategies above, the key to success in real estate is nurturing relationships. Whether it’s with a first-time buyer or seasoned investor, the personal connections you establish with community members (both IRL and online in your extended virtual community) can help you transform a potential real estate lead into a real estate buyer.

    Remember — every lead has the potential to become a repeat client or referral source. Your approach to connecting with buyers should be as diverse and dynamic as the market itself, adapting to changes and embracing new technologies.

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