Ohio police officer fired over K-9 attack on unarmed Black man

Source: Mihajlo Maricic / Getty

It’s good to see that there is such a thing as accountability in policing. That said, it only further highlights the glaring lack of accountability in numerous other situations.

Earlier this week BOSSIP reported on an incident of police brutality in Ohio that reminded us of something out of the 1960s. A semi-truck driver Jadarrius Rose was stopped by state troopers for not having a mud flap on his big rig. When it was all said and done, Rose had the teeth of a police K-9 digging into his flesh.

According to a CNN report, the officer who unleashed his furry friend on Rose against his colleague’s warning has been publicly identified and terminated from the department.

“Circleville Police Officer Ryan Speakman’s actions during the review of his canine apprehension of suspect Jadarrius Rose on July 4 show that Officer Speakman did not meet the standards and expectations we hold for our police officers,” the police department said in a statement. “Officer Speakman has been terminated from the department, effective immediately.”

Interestingly but not surprisingly, the internal investigation of this incident by the use of force review board found that the “policy for the use of canines was followed in the apprehension and arrest”. So, as far as the board is concerned, Speakman had every right to allow a dog to maul an unarmed, non-threatening suspect. The brass didn’t see it that way and sent Speakman packing.

“It’s important to understand that the Review Board is charged only with determining whether an employee’s actions in the use of force incident were within department policies and procedures,” the statement added. “The Review Board does not have the authority to recommend discipline.”

The d-bags at the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association are fighting for Speakman to not only get his job back, but also to be paid all wages that would have been owed if he were not terminated.

The audacity!

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