pennybirdrabbit: Rising Star in Music

With an air of innocence and pastel-colored locks, Penny emerges as the enchanting vocalist in Skrillex’s “All I Ask of You,” but her significance extends far beyond being a mere attractive voice within a pulsating mega-rave anthem. Rooted in Los Angeles, this songstress is gearing up to unveil her third EP, an ethereal compilation of pop melodies that marks a departure from her previous forays into the realms of dubstep and electro-house. In an unconventional lifestyle choice, she proudly reveals her car-dwelling situation, using this time to accumulate a wealth of artistic inspiration and sculpt a captivating live performance prior to the debut of her solo creations.

Penny’s artistic journey has intersected with prominent bass influencers like 12th Planet and The M Machine, gracing studio sessions with her presence. Her onstage appearances, often characterized by an endearing shyness, have captivated audiences through delightful surprise cameos. Recent developments in her sound reveal a more mature and introspective tone, encapsulating fragments from her own experiences as a self-professed “lost boy alien” with an unwavering desire to engender artistic expression.

The creative process is one that Penny tightly guides, from directing to editing her own music videos, and generously releasing EPs without charge. Every iota of her material emanates from her own thoughts and emotions, and she radiates a sense of camaraderie and carefree enjoyment in her videos and online presence. Observing her evolution, from candid selfies in her waitress attire to her emergence as the vivacious muse of the dance domain, and eventually blossoming into a distinct solo artist, it’s evident that Penny’s breakthrough is on a promising trajectory.

Her compositions, reminiscent of the girl-power exuberance found in “Run” and the poignant heartache of “Safer,” traverse a spectrum that echoes both Lights and the Postal Service. This convergence has the potential to establish her as a formidable contender for the title of the moment’s most compelling female figure.


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