Texas Woman Awarded $1.2B In Revenge Porn Lawsuit

Revenge Lawsuit – Source: Douglas Sacha / Getty

In a shocking turn of events, a Texas woman was awarded $1.2 billion dollars in her revenge porn lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend.

Back in April of 2022 a Houston woman listed only as D.L. filed a harassment lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend Marques Jamal Jackson for allegedly hacking his way into her personal laptop. After gaining access he allegedly began posting sexually explicit and intimate photos of her online. D.L. alleged that Jackson continued to expose her without consent and the harassment continued until she took action.

According to the New York Times, the harassment began after the couple broke up in 2020 after a four-year relationship and Jackson allegedly published photos on Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, and Pornhub. As if that wasn’t insane enough, he allegedly sent the explicit material to his ex-girlfriend’s friends and family in an attempt to humiliate her.

“This type of experience is devastating,” D.L. expressed. “It’s extremely painful. It’s hurtful. It’s embarrassing and you fear that either something will trigger and it will start again or that the previous effort inspired someone new and then they might start.”

After three years she had her day in court and the jury awarded her $1.2 billion in “exemplary damages.” That includes $200M for past and future anguish from the entire ordeal.

It’s unlikely she will receive the full $1.2 billion, but her lawyers hope this will deter people from revenge porn in the future. This verdict has all but ruined her ex-boyfriend financially for the rest of his life.


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